Expert Analysis

Starvation as a method of warfare and applicable IHL

Angelo Stirone

This essay briefly explores the relevant legal framework that covers the conduct of starvation under IHL, paying particular attention to how this phenomenon is defined under the Geneva Conventions, their Additional Protocols, and within the IHL Custo

We Urgently Need a New Movement to Fix Global Development

Elena Panaritis

In recent decades, efforts to alleviate poverty through development have predominantly centered on addressing factors such as education, healthcare, gender equality, and social inclusion.

When “mere hate speech” becomes a crime against humanity -the Media Case-

Olivera Ševo Grebenar

“A well-read and well-informed genocidaire will know that at the early stages of planning of the ‘crime of crimes’ his or her money is best spent not in purchasing machetes, or Kalashnikovs, or Zyklon B gas, but rather investing in radio transmitters

Detention For Security Reasons in Non-International Armed Conflicts

Chen Mohan

Detainees who are under lawful pre-trial detention are protected by the judicial guarantee provisions of Common Article 3 and Protocol II of Geneva Conventions (GC). Apart from these rules on the treatment of detainees, international humanitarian law

Can the Geneva Conventions Shield the ICC from Attacks?

Cristian Vale

Cristian is currently enrolled in the LL.M. Program of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, specializing in international criminal law, international human rights law and international humanitarian law. He is als

The Djoković Case The limits of 'God-like power' of Australia's immigration minister

Vasilije Marković

If you thought Novak had a God complex, he’s got nothing on Australia’s immigration minister“, wrote Sarah Martin in The Guardian, after Alex Hawke, Australia's Minister of Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs, passed a discretiona

The Djoković Case The limits of 'God-like power' of Australia's immigration minister

Vasilije Marković

If you thought Novak had a God complex, he’s got nothing on Australia’s immigration minister“, wrote Sarah Martin in The Guardian, after Alex Hawke, Australia's Minister of Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs, passed a discretiona

Digital Watermarking: Protecting Civilians in Cyber Warfare

Nicolás Sol Centeno

Nicolás Sol Centeno studies International Relations with a focus in International Law at the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations. He is a member of the Association of Young International Criminal Lawyers, and has a deep interest in

Ecocide – the genocide of the 21st century? Eastern European perspective

Jakub Wojsyk

Every European lawyer is familiar with the term “genocide”, introduced in 1944 by Raphael Lemkin, a Polish lawyer of Jewish descent. The term was coined based on his earlier concepts of “barbarity” and “vandalism”, in reaction to the impunity of Otto

Transparency and legal (un)certainty in European merger control

Marija Momić

As explained above, under Article 22 of the EUMR, one or more Member States may refer for the Commission’s review any concentration that meets the Article 22 conditions. Conversely, the Commission may also invite Member States to refer a concentrati

Protecting Data in the Age of Cyber Warfare

U.L.B Nipuni

With the advancement of science and technology, many aspects of the human community are changing rapidly. Among these, one can very intelligibly and visibly notice the changes in modern day warfare.

Modern Warfare: Corporate Mercenaries and Wars for Profit

Clarissa Rodio

Clarissa Rodio is a Junior Associate at Guernica 37 Chambers in London. She has been part of the legal team calling on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly committed by the Saudi-led c

Justice on Trial: Opening Up the Black Box of the Tokyo Tribunal

Dr. Aleksandra Babović

The U.S.-China competition in waters of the Indo-Pacific, harboring an array of security dilemmas, has ignited debates about the likelihood of war and adequate diplomatic, military, and legal remedies to prevent such a catastrophe.

Convention 108+ Signatories and Adequacy Under the GDPR

Stevan Stanojević

In today’s world, it is hard to imagine that any organisation might use personal data without transferring it, and commonly used cloud applications can serve as an illustrative example. Most organizations use at least one of them in every day's work,

Outer space as a global common

Dr. Anja Nakarada Pečujlić

An increasingly interconnected and interdependent world marked by uncertainties, threats, and instability requires a complex strategy of governance in order to strengthen the prospects of peace, equity, and eco-sustainability.
