
The First Joint Meeting of CIRSD Executive and Advisory Board

Centre for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) will hold the first joint meeting of the Executive and Advisory Board in Hong Kong on 17th and 18th of January.

Jeremić Meets with Senior Spanish Officials

Jeremić and Foreign Minister García-Margallo discussed the situation in crisis areas around the world, especially the Middle East and East Asia

Jeremić Meets with the President of Iraqs Kurdistan Region

On December 24th, CIRSD President Vuk Jeremić met with the President of Iraq's Kurdistan Region Massoud Barzani, to exchange views on Middle Eastern political

Jeremić Gives Keynote Address at Economic Conference in Beijing

CIRSD President Vuk Jeremić gave a keynote address to the High-level Symposium of Think Tanks from China and Central and Eastern European Countries

New Sustainable Development Strategy

As the part of "United Nations Days" organized by the Students' Association ELSA, the President of the Center for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) Vuk Jeremić delivered a lecture

Vuk Jeremić in Tallinn to Discuss International Criminal Justice

The President of the Centre for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) Vuk Jeremić participated in the „Annual Conference on Human Rights 2013“

Statement on the Death of Nelson Mandela by the President of Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development Vuk Jeremić

The passing away of Mr. Nelson Mandela, the former President of South Africa, is an immensely sad day for the world. President Mandela was one of

Vuk Jeremić and Jeffrey Sachs – Press Conference

A press conference was held in the Media Center Belgrade on the occasion of the launch of the Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development

Saudi Arabia’s Missed Opportunity

Jeremić writes an Op-ed in Financial times with Ian Bremmer

Diplomacy in the 21th Century

Vuk Jeremić participated in the launch of the serbian translation of the sixth edition of "Satow’s Diplomatic Practice", edited by the former British Ambassador
